Skip the Culture app
Fancy a movie? Going to the theater? Going to a festival with your partner or spending the evening alone with a good book? Find thousands of cultural offers near you and all over France on the pass Culture app.
The Culture pass lets you discover cultural activities and outings near you, preview events or exclusive offers to enjoy new experiences!
Use the app to have at your fingertips all the cultural offers around you from a wide catalog that will satisfy all your desires. Do your search using the distance, price or cultural category filters.
Find offers near you using geolocation, find your favorite offers in favorites and discover a personalized cultural itinerary based on your interests and cultural desires!
Are you between 15 and 18 years old and do you live in mainland France or overseas? Register now for the Culture pass! This system gives you access to an amount to use as you wish: €20 at 15 years old, €30 at 16 years old, €30 at 17 years old and €300 at 18 years old. These amounts are credited to you directly on the application on your birthday. Re-registration is necessary at 18 years old.
Need to access the culture pass from your computer?
Go to: https://passculture.app/
Need help?
Our support service is here to answer your questions!
Write to us at the following address: support@passculture.app
Find us on social media @passcultureofficiel!
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