Pokemon Go Max Battles, Max Particles and Dynamax Pokemon Explained


  • Dynamax and Max battles are now in Pokemon Go
  • Max Particles gate your daily activities with a hard cap
  • Mega Evolving Dynamax Pokemon is included, but with certain conditions

Dynamax has entered Pokemon Go, and it’s brought with it a lot of new features and new items on the map. In fact, it’s so substantial that it’s almost impossible to miss it if you boot up Pokemon Go now. Information on it has been slowly drip fed to us, but we’ve compiled it all togther here, creating this article that contains everything you need to know about Max Battles, Max Particles, and Dynamax Pokemon.

How to gain Max Particles

There are purple Power Stops (similar to PokeStops) that have appeared all over the map. These have a timer on them, normally lasting a maximum of 2 days, before they disappear. You are able to tap these stops to gain 120 Max Particles from them. Additionally, you can walk 2km to gain 300 Max Particles.

There is a limit to the max number of particles you can hold at a time, capped at 1,000MP, so you do need to use these particles on your Pokemon to make room for more. There is also a limit to the number of max particles you can gain per day (around 800 to 1280) from stops and walking.

Dynamax Pokemon Dynamax Pokemon in Raids

By now, you likely have a Wooloo and Skwovet from the Dynamax research, which was introduced as a sort of tutorial to the new feature. You can gain more Dynamax Pokemon by battling them in raids. You do need at least one Dynamax Pokemon to battle in a raid.

Dynamax Raids

Dynamax Raids are currently 1 Star raids and you need to pay 250 Max Particles to raid. You can raid with up to 3 other people and can take in a team of up to three Dynamax Pokemon. The raids work a lot like normal raids, but with a Dynamax meter at the top of the screen. When this bar fills up, your Pokemon will automatically Dynamax. You can then use three Max Moves to take on the Pokemon you are battling. There are orbs of Max Particles that do appear during the battle and you can pop these to add a boost to the Dynamax meter on the top of the screen.

The rewards for these raids are 10,000XP, Golden Raspberries, Revives, XL Candy and XL Rare Candy. You can pay 200 coins to add on more premium items to your win screen.

After you have battled and won a Dynamax Raid, you are able to place your Dynamax Pokemon into the Power Spot, which will then give you candy for that specific Pokemon, based on how many towns that specific Power Spot is battled after you have placed your Pokemon. Your Pokemon will also make it easier for other trainers to fight that Dynamax Pokemon. You can get your Pokemon back from a Power Stop at any time you’d like.

Information screens from Pokemon Go Dynamax

After Raids are finished, there is an increased chance of Pokemon spawning around there. You can also get shiny Dynamax Pokemon from Raids as well. It’s worth noting that there is no time limit in Max Battles and instead the raid ends when either your team of Pokemon faint or when you have won. You can see how many other people have battled and won on that raid, along with the Attack Bonus in the trophie icon on the upper right hand side of the raid screen. You can only battle a Power Stop raid once at that specific stop’s spawn. 

Dynamax Moves

There are three Max Moves per Dynamax Pokemon, which depend on the Pokemon themselves. These can be powered up using Max Particles and candy for that Pokemon. You do get small amounts of XP for leveling them up. Each specific power does have a short discription on the Power Up Screen. 

Mega Evolution and Dynamax

Currently, you can Mega Evolve dynamax Pokemon, however you cannot Dynamax Mega Evolved Pokemon. This means that if you Mega Evolve a Pokemon that has the Dynamax feature, you will not be able to use that Pokemon in Dynamax battles. The button itself is hidden away by the UI at the moment, likely to save this from being learned the hard way.

Other notes

You cannot use a Master Ball to catch Max Pokemon at this time. 

With this feature still in development, we will work hard on keeping this page updated.



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