Tip #1 – Make time for work
Being an unknown fighter with no experience or reputation won’t exactly have you rolling in cash. You’ll learn very quickly that just like in real life, things are expensive. Almost everything that your fighter needs to grow and survive will put a strain on your finances: Food, training, medicine, and equipment. This is why once you get any of the available jobs in the area (like the Noodle Shop or the Junkyard) you should always make time to show up for work. It’ll lower your happiness, but hey, work is work for a reason, and that money can help pave a path to happiness.
Tip #2 – Always have food on hand
Despite what all those nutrition and diet gurus are spouting, the truth is that the more you work out, the more you have to eat. Look up any professional fighter or bodybuilder and see what they consume in a day, you’ll be surprised. Your fighter may not be a pro yet, but he does work out and his body requires fuel. Hunger is one of the main stats you have to manage and almost every activity will drain it. When you’re hungry, you can’t do much so always buy some snacks for your inventory for a quick boost. After you get some savings, stock your fridge with hearty meals.
Tip #3 – Get balanced training
When it comes to fighting, there are three main stats to worry about – Strength, Agility, and Stamina. Strength determines your power (and energy consumption), Agility determines how often you act, and Stamina determines your energy. You’ll need to have a healthy pool of all three to stand against the tougher opponents. However, the real challenge is balancing Strength with Stamina, since the higher the former is, the more strain it will put on the latter. Switch your training focus if your stats start to get lopsided.
Tip #4 – Examine your opponents carefully
Finally, we actually get to talk about the fighting and how you’re not involved. The fighter will act based on your strategy that you can change between rounds. You can choose their offensive and defensive moves, their passive boosts, and what fighting school they use. During rounds, they will act based on what you’ve set in place, their Agility, and their Energy. When facing an opponent, don’t focus solely on their stats. Look at their school, the buffs that they have active, and the moves that they’ll be using. You’d be surprised how much damage some of them can do when conditions are in their favour.
Tip #5 – Energy is everything
Even though you really should keep the fighter’s stats balanced, Stamina should have some preference since it determines your energy reserves. Like Hunger, Energy is needed and used to do most things from working to training to recovering. You can restore energy by consuming certain foods and resting at home, but these will affect time and money. It’s also the only overworld stat that also affects fighting since the less energy you have, the less you’ll be able to do in fighting. Always make sure you can make decisions to restore your energy to prepare for fighting, training, or for a long night of work.
Tip #6 – Free stuff is good stuff
Being a human is costly, let alone one that deliberately puts one’s health at risk. Most of the things that the Fighter needs to succeed cost money from food to training. There will be times that you’ll be flat-broke and will see no way going forward, but there are options. If you need food, you can check in on your neighbour Henry to see if he has some Popcorn available for a moderate boost. In terms of training, you have the home gym and while it will take a lot of money to fix everything, you can always use the mat to train all three stats at the same time while your cot nearby will restore your energy and the chair in the living room will raise some happiness.
Tip #7 – Don’t waste time
In a startling twist of realism, this game has you worrying that there’s not enough time in the day. The time is tracked in the corner and will tick way rapidly whenever you do any activity from travelling to different locations to preparing a meal. This means that certain locations have windows where they’re accessible and time stops when you’re visiting and exploring the area. It’s also important to track when it comes to signing up for fights in the available period and then actually showing up to those fights so that it doesn’t count as an automatic loss. You can save a lot of time by travelling via bus, but that’s only if you have money to spare. It’s best to do the math so that you plan your day accordingly and hit as many spots as possible before your fight dates.
Since you’re a fan of fighting games, clearly, take a look at the best class for Elemental 2D MMORPG and the One Punch Man the Strongest codes as you must love Saitama!
